

Experiential learning is a process through which students develop knowledge, skills and values from direct experiences outside a traditional academic setting. Experiential learning encompasses a variety of activities including internships, 服务学习, 本科研究, 出国留学, clinical and other 有创意的 and professional work experiences.

精心策划的, supervised and assessed experiential learning programs can stimulate academic inquiry by promoting interdisciplinary learning, 公民参与, 职业发展, 文化意识, leadership and other professional and intellectual skills.


Experiential learning encompasses a comprehensive set of elements:


反射, critical analysis and synthesis are essential as they prompt learners to extract deeper insights from experiences, fostering understanding alignment with prior knowledge and development of analytical and integrative abilities.

Student Holistic Engagement Opportunities

Students are provided with opportunities to exercise initiative, 做决定, 对结果负责, all the while participating in intellectual, 有创意的, 情感, 社交和/或身体接触.


A designed learning experience that offers the opportunity to derive 教训 from natural consequences, 错误与成功.


Engage in immersive learning adventures at Dalton State College through hands-on experiences that blend real-world scenarios with reflection and critical analysis.


学生生活 believes all members of Roadrunner Nation have a role and responsibility in giving back to their community through advocacy, 公民参与或志愿服务. Students can recognize their civic potential and take initiative to develop it by becoming educated on social issues and serving the individuals for whom those issues are a reality. 学生生活 utilizes the RoadrunnerServe platform to help connect students with individual and collaborative actions designed to identify and address social issues locally, 国内和全球.


A wide array of internships and various practical experiences are accessible across diverse major fields, offering exceptional chances to acquire hands-on knowledge within actual professional environments. These opportunities present an invaluable means to foster practical skills and insights while working within the specific contexts of respective fields.


Dalton State College and the University System of Georgia offer you a wide variety of 出国留学 opportunities from nine-day programs to semester/academic year programs. 你选择适合你的. Many DSC students choose the five-week summer 出国留学 programs located in countries around the world.


Undergraduate research provides scholarly and 有创意的 activity opportunities for students to work alongside faculty. According to the Council on 本科研究, 本科研究 is defined as an inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student that makes an original intellectual or 有创意的 contribution to the discipline. Undergraduate research experiences help to enrich the academic curriculum through enhanced critical thinking skills and greater understanding of one’s chosen field.


领导 is a complex combination of experiences, 教训, 挑战, and self-exploration that occur throughout a lifetime. There are several ways in which you can get involved in leadership opportunities.


Rich learning experiences can be achieved through volunteerism. Volunteering can promote skill development as well as foster an incredible sense of community and engagement; thus, volunteering can lead to positive benefits for both the volunteer and the person or community served. 在澳门新葡京娱乐城网址, you can volunteer through 学生生活’s Alternative Breaks program or through 走鹃服务.


同伴教育 assists students in developing the skills needed for personal growth, academic progress and critical thinking through knowledge sharing and peer facilitation. You can gain experience in teaching related activities by becoming a Peer Educator.

Careers and Professional Development

职业和专业发展 serves our students and alumni through expanding their knowledge and skills by providing them with comprehensive career related resources that empower them to attain short and long term professional goals.


学生生活 empowers students with opportunities for life-long learning through diverse, community-centered programming and active leadership experiences. 学生生活 is dedicated to both individual and organizational growth and development, 他们的目标是参与, educate and promote student development.